Friday 18 September 2015

Facebook : See Way To Prevent Hackers From Hacking your Account

Yes, I'm most certain that your Facebook account or that of someone close to you must have been hacking at least once. Recently, pornographic materials have found their way to the walls and posts of Facebook users without their permission consent or knowledge.

Almost everyday, hackers changes their pattern of hacking Facebook accounts, this is quite worrisome as most people have private data in their Facebook account, important contacts, photos and videos(you dont want to lose and/or expose these things to a hacker).

Facebook is a very secure platform, hackers only get the opportunity given to them by you, if you say “No” it will remain No.What I really mean by this; Facebook has very good security features, and the only thing needed to make your Facebook account totally secure is turning those security features on. I know how you’ll feel losing important stuffs in your Facebook account(yes I do know, I have experienced data loss and know how that can bring down people in their different daily activities), and for all I know, its really not a good one to experience.

Today, I will be writing on how to prevent hackers from hacking your Facebook account through phishing attack.

Always Check URLs You click thoroughly
Hackers now hack people’s Facebook account through a method known as Phishing Attacks(a very dangerous hacking technique). Phishing attacks are one of the widely used method in hacking a Facebook account,this usually involves a process where the hacker designs a website looking almost exactly like Facebook
(yeah, not exactly but almost exactly. Just a little difference), the hacker will then send you the link to that site with some amazing claims, that will make you click on the link.

After clicking on that link, you find out that the page you landed,requires your Facebook login details like email and password, you might feel its Facebook requesting for those details but to tell you the truth, Facebook doesn’t even know about such thing.

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