Friday 30 December 2016

Check out Top Websites Beginners should visit to learn how to code

As a beginner who wants to learn programming, one must learn that every day there new coding languages being written, new frameworks being created and new systems emerging. You will be surprised to know that a whopping 300 different programming languages being used in one form or the other.

Below are top websites every beginners should visit to learn how to program!

Practicing for a Programming Contest ? 

Every programmer needs to practice coding so that he/she can stay in the loop. There is this story about a programmer who automated his job for six years, spent his time surfing and playing games on company money all the while drawing his salary and in the meantime forgot how to code. If you as a programmer don’t practice what you have learned, you might easily forget it. Here are some top sites where you can practice programming and take part in coding contests.

For Social Interaction:

Apart from learning programming, a coder always needs to be in touch with the real world. The reasons for this is that technology is very fluid  and dynamic. What will work today won’t even be touched upon tomorrow. To know the latest from the world of programming, you need to bookmark the sites below on your browser.
Android users:

Coding Calendar is also one App that every programmer /beginner should have on his/her smartphone. The Coding Calendar App notifies you about various programming contests happening on sites Hackerearth, Hackerrank, Topcoder and many others.

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